BABCP Annual Conference & Workshops 2024 – ‘Catalysing change: ideas to impact’.
Our venue this year is the prestigious University of Manchester, in a city steeped in rich CBT history. Most of the scientific programme sessions will be hosted in the ‘Drum’ (University Place) on Oxford Road in central Manchester.
This year we will be offering 11 full day workshops from 9.30am to 5.00 pm on Tuesday 23 July, which delegates can attend in person prior to the main Conference which will run from 9.00am on Wednesday 24th and continue until 4.00pm on Friday 26th. The theme of the conference is Catalysing Change: Ideas to Impact, with a focus on sharing exciting new developments and advances in Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies and how we mobilise these ideas and research.
Full details of all the workshops and keynotes are available here under the Programme Menu.
Registration is now open, and delegates can choose to join a full day workshop and the full conference, or they can just register to join the conference or a workshop. A day delegate registration will also be available, with registration fees now available on the conference website. Delegates can also join the full conference online at a reduced rate and have access to the programme that will take place in four of the main lecture theatres.
Alongside the main conference programme, we will also have a special themed sessions.
Following the success of the Low Intensity CBT (LICBT) Day in 2022, we have also planned an exciting LICBT Day on 24 July during which we will be exploring the latest LICBT research focusing on wellbeing and compassion as well as sessions and tips on how to disseminate your excellent LICBT practice!
Delegates will be able to register for a day rate or choose to attend these days as part of the main conference programme. All these events are also open to registered full conference delegates or delegates can choose to join these online.
The following day will have sessions with a special focus on ADHD and autism, with a half-day workshop by Antonia Dittner on CBT for adult ADHD, as well as Ailsa Russell’s keynote.
It was planned to have a special session for A Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) day on 24 July which was going to include a half-day workshop, a skills class and keynote address. This has now been postponed to October and will run as an online event. Delegates attending the conference in Manchester will be invited to register for this day when the date has been finalised.
The social programme will start with a reception at the ‘Drum’ on Tuesday evening followed on Wednesday by an evening in the Northern Quarter offering a taste of the Manchester scene and the opportunity to party to “Bedlam” at the Band on the Wall venue. A formal dinner will take place within the elegant University of Manchester Whitworth Hall on Thursday evening.
Positive Behaviour Support Day
The Positive Behaviour Support Day was postponed and will now take place on 30th September 2024.
Please click on this link for the page giving details of the day and registration for the event.
Registration for the Conference, Workshops and Special Events is open.
Conference and Workshops – Register to attend
Special Events – Register to attend
Early Registration until 7th June 2024
Late Registration until 19th July 2024
On site Registration after 19th July 2024
***Extended: The early bird rate for the pre-conference workshops, the special events and for delegates who choose to join online ***
We are going to keep the registration fee for the pre-conference workshops, the special events and for delegates who choose to join online at the early bird rate until the conference.
Thank you to those delegates who have already registered and from the response we have had we know it is going to be a very successful conference.
We have made a few changes to the running order of the conference programme at the request of some of the presenters and an updated schedule is available here.
The conference team.
This is the Final Programme and contains the provisional timetable for the scientific programme. There will be some small changes before the final programme is published here during the first week of July.
This is the Online Programme and contains the timetable of the scientific programme that will be available Online for people not attending in person.
The Abstract Book containing the Abstracts of the conference presentations is now available to be viewed or downloaded here…
- Stephen Barton, Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust, UK
- Katherine Berry, University of Manchester, UK
- Jaime Delgadillo, University of Sheffield, UK
- Richard Hastings, University of Warwick, UK
- Mark Hayward, University of Sussex, UK
- Rachel Hiller, University College London, UK
- Colette Hirsch, King’s College London, UK
- Lalitha Iyadurai, University of Oxford and P1vital, UK
- Farooq Naeem, University of Toronto, Canada
- Tom Osborn, Shamiri Institute, Kenya
- Ailsa Russell, University of Bath, UK
- Louise Sharpe, University of Sydney, Australia
- Bethany Teachman, University of Virginia, US
- Polly Waite, University of Oxford, UK
- Ed Watkins, University of Exeter, UK
Keynote Speakers
Workshop Leaders
- Stephen Barton, Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust, UK
- Jane Gregory, University of Oxford, UK
- Susie Hales & Craig Steel, University of Oxford, UK
- Mark Hayward, University of Sussex, UK
- Stirling Moorey, South London and Maudsley NHS Trust, UK
- Farooq Naeem, University of Toronto, Canada
- Louise Sharpe, University of Sydney, Australia
- Polly Waite, University of Oxford, UK
- Ed Watkins, University of Exeter, UK
- Kerry Young, Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust, UK
- Antonia Dittner, South London and Maudsley NHS Trust, UK (half-day in-conference workshop)
- Sandy Toogood, Bangor University, UK & Nick Gore, University of Kent, UK (half-day in-conference workshop)
Keynote Speakers talking about their keynote presentations
Today we are featuring Jaime Delgadillo, Jessica Schleider, Bethany Teachman and Polly Waite.
Jaime Delgadillo, University of Sheffield, UK
Personalising therapy for patients who don’t respond well to routinely delivered CBT
Jessica Schleider, Northwestern University, US
Leveraging Single-Session Interventions to Democratize Access to Mental Health Care
Bethany Teachman, University of Virginia, US
Using Technology to Change Anxious Thinking and Regulate Emotions
Polly Waite, University of Oxford, UK
Understanding and treating anxiety disorders in adolescence