Presenting your poster at the 52nd BABCP Annual Conference
Poster presenters attending the conference in-person need to produce their poster in the format A0:
841mm (width) x 1189mm (height), portrait format to fit the poster board.
All poster-presentations: Please send a PDF of the poster to: conference.assistant@babcp2024.org no later than the 20th of June.
In-person presenters: Your poster will be viewed by in-person by delegates during the conference so that presenter can talk directly to delegates. We will let you know what day this will by the end of May. In person presenters are responsible for printing their poster and bringing it to the conference.
Online presenters: Poster presenters who are registered to attend online must send a PDF version of their poster by the 20th of June so that it can be uploaded to the hybrid platform ready for the conference. A hard copy version of the poster can also be sent to University of Manchester to be displayed during the conference; please ask us for a postal address in this instance.
All posters sent before the 20th June will be displayed in the poster room of the conference hybrid platform and can be viewed during conference and up to 3 months after the event. Delegates viewing the posters online will be able to browse, comment on and contact the authors. We suggest all poster presenters add a contact email, Twitter / X (or other social media) handle, or other contact details if they want people to contact. Poster presenters can also optionally add a QR code to the poster which people will then be able to scan to access additional information about the poster and the presenter (e.g. a short video presentation). Information about producing a QR code for your poster is attached.
A Quick Response code, or QR code, is an efficient way of transporting people viewing your poster to other resources such as your research papers, resources page (e.g. on the Open Science Framework, https://osf.io/)or even a short film of you talking about your research on YouTube. To create a QR code, go to the webpage you want your viewer to get to and paste into a QR generator. There are free QR generators on google, but this is a good place to start: https://www.qr-code-generator.com/free-generator. Once you have pasted the web address into the QR generator, your unique QR code will pop up – looking something like this:
Right click, copy and paste this directly onto your poster – usually in the corner somewhere looks best. The most important thing is: check that it works, i.e. that it is big enough and clear enough to be picked up by a smartphone. Try opening your camera on your smart phone, point it at the above the QR code, and you will see that your internet browser will pop up in your camera view and ask if you want to go to the website. Remember that the more creative you are with where this QR code lands, the more engagement you will get with your research.