Low Intensity Day
9.30: Welcome and agenda setting
Liz Kell, Exeter University and Samantha Torney, Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Talking Therapies Service
9.40: National research project: Exploring the wellbeing of trainee LICBT practitioners and recommendations for HEIs and services
Al Laville, Samiyah Khan, and Lucy Upson, University of Reading
10.10 Embedding compassion in psychological professions training curricula: Experiences, developments and future directions
Michelle Wilson, Royal Holloway, University of London
10.40 Break
11.00 From Practice to Research and Teaching in a global perspective
Amy Blakemore, University of Manchester
11.45 Roundtable on experiences of completing LICBT research
Al Laville, Samiyah Khan, Lucy Upson, Michelle Wilson and Amy Blakemore
12.30 Lunch
1.30 Writing for journal publication
Jason Ho, Kings College London
2.00 Writing for CBT Today
Anjali Mehta Chandar, University of Reading
2.30 Being a Low-Intensity Peer Reviewer
Eve Bampton-Wilton, Exeter University
3.00 Break
3.20 Roundtable discussion on experiences of writing and publishing
Liz Ruth, Bradford University, Jason Ho, Anjali Mehta Chandar and Eve Bampton-Wilton
4.00 Padlet to capture main take-home points from the audience and what they would like to see in the next event and closing comments
Liz Kell, Exeter University and Samantha Torney, Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Talking Therapies Service
Delegates registered to attend the full conference or have registered for a day registration on 24th July can attend all or part of this day.
There is a special rate for BABCP registered Wellbeing Practitioners who wish to attend in person or online.